Param Brahmachari (supreme celibate) Lord Hanuman Vivah (marriage)

Lord Hanuman & Suvarchala Vivah Katha Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosai, Kripa Karahu Guru-Dev Ki Nai Seeing Hanuman growing older, his mother told him: “Son! It is time to get educated. There is no better teacher than Surya, the Sun god, who dispels all darkness. Go to him and gain knowledge.” Even though he was omnipotent, Hanuman obeyed his mother. He reached the Surya Mandala and humbly prayed the Sun god: “O! Surya Deva, I want to learn Vedas, Vedangas, and Upangas from you. Please teach me.” Surya replied: “O! Boy of Anjana, I am always on the move, as ordained by Almighty, how can I teach you? ” Hanuman was angered. He blocked the path of Surya. Surya pacified Hanuman. He said: “I have no objection to teach you. But you have to find a way to learn”. Hanuman stood facing the sun and started walking backwards. Surya was moving forward and was teaching Hanuman. Lord Siva is said to know all and Hanuma...