Everything is Music!
Everything is Music! Conquerer of God & Existence! Mai ri sahaj jori pragat bhai ju rang ki gaur syam ghan damini jaisen| Pratham hun huti ab hun aagen hun rahihai na tarihai taisain || Ang ang ki ujraii sugharaii chaturaii sunderta aisain| Shri Haridas ke swami syama kunjbihari sam vais vaisain|| A song sung by "Swami Sri Haridasji Maharaj" which brought Bankey Bihari of Vrindavan appear as idol! Swami Haridas, who was no other than Lalita sakhi of the inner consortium of Lord; constantly and continuously meditated on Nitya Ras and Nitya Bihar of Lord at Nitya Vrindavan. His way of Sadhna was to compose and sing songs in the praise of Lord. The central idea of the song is: look, the eternal, natural couple has appeared. They appear like lightening in dark clouds. Also the couple is constant in nature, that it exists in all the times and can not be changed by any means. Their charm and wisdom, the glow and shapeliness of the limbs is bey...