Inside-Out : The Reality !
Inside - Out : The Reality!
kāmamaya evāyaṃ puruṣa iti |
sa yathākāmo bhavati tatkratur bhavati |
yatkratur bhavati tat karma kurute |
yat karma kurute tad abhisaṃpadyate ||
Meaning - You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.
When we be ourselves, we listen to our heart and work accordingly,driven by our deepest passion in life. The result then only brings contentment. This is "inside-out" reality. No matter what you achieve, success/ failure, it will only bring fullfilment. Consider, for example, if your deepest desire in life is to be an all-rounder cricketer but you are too good a batsman. The world praises you, so does your team members, your family and friends. For others, you are an achievement but somewhere inside your heart you know this is not "the real success". What would you do?
Consider another example, you are a girl of a marriageable age and so your parents want you to come soon to a decision. There is a simple and not so rich guy you have fallen in love with whereas you also have a proposal from a well settled businessman who is the most eligible bachelor in the town. Of course you have no feelings for this rich guy as everyone has only one love story :) . Now, what would you do?
The decision of "inside-out" or "outside-in" is all that makes the difference in life. It decides whether we are strong enough to live a happy life of our own with "inside-out" approach or be driven by people and circumstances with the "outside-in" approach for entire life. Remember, the Bhagwat Gita also says, we are responsible for our own Karma.
Let's dig further into this "inside-out reality" from a broader perspective. Everything in nature grows inside out. From seeds to flowers, from fetus to a man, tectonic plates movements transforming to mountains. Below these physical "inside-out" phenomenons there lay some far deeper "inside-out" mystical secrets that form the root cause of all "visible" realities. Consider flowers again, our scriptures tell us that God created this beautiful world to shower his affection on us. He blessed us with beautiful flowers, mountains, food etc out of his passionate affection to each soul abiding on this mother earth. Thus all the physical processes of seeds blossoming to flowers, tectonic movements transforming to mountains occur. They all are result of Lord's deepest desire of loving all of us. The beauty of nature, thus, brings peace to all. On the other hand, man is cutting trees, increasing global warming and disturbing nature due to his sheer greed which is one of the biggest cause of suffering for all species on earth.
Quite apparently, the result of our decisions, very much lie on our deepest desires. These desires determine what we truly are. Thus, when we set out to work each day, we must know if our actions and decisions are driven "inside-out" or "outside-in". The result accordingly affects us and our surroundings.
My suggestion would be, when we follow "outside-in", we are trying to fill the hollowness inside, which will definitely remain. But when we follow "inside-out", we are full of our true selves and also filling the world with our pure, positive energy. When the nature itself favors "inside-out" then should we be skeptical about it's results? All it needs is our faith, we can make things happen only when we believe in them. Follow the "inside-out reality"!
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