Everything is Music!
Everything is Music!
Conquerer of God & Existence!
Mai ri sahaj jori pragat bhai ju rang ki gaur syam ghan damini jaisen|
Pratham hun huti ab hun aagen hun rahihai na tarihai taisain ||
Ang ang ki ujraii sugharaii chaturaii sunderta aisain|
Shri Haridas ke swami syama kunjbihari sam vais vaisain||
A song sung by "Swami Sri Haridasji Maharaj" which brought Bankey Bihari of Vrindavan appear as idol!
Swami Haridas, who was no other than Lalita sakhi of the inner consortium of Lord; constantly and continuously meditated on Nitya Ras and Nitya Bihar of Lord at Nitya Vrindavan. His way of Sadhna was to compose and sing songs in the praise of Lord.
The central idea of the song is: look, the eternal, natural couple has appeared. They appear like lightening in dark clouds. Also the couple is constant in nature, that it exists in all the times and can not be changed by any means. Their charm and wisdom, the glow and shapeliness of the limbs is beyond any comparison i.e. they are like themselves only. Swami Haridas says that my lords Syama- Kunjbihari, though beyond birth, death and aging, are of the same age (kishore). There are several legends and fables about Swamiji's music. When he sang the raga malhar, it is said that clouds would get heavy with rain. When he sang the deepak raga, earthen lamps would begin to glow with light.
The Ultimate Power!
The earth and universe, according to all major religious texts, were created and brought into form through sound. The Hindu Bhagavad-Gita, which predates the Bible by some three thousand years, literally translated means “The Song of God.” Its’ text states: “In the beginning was Brahman, with whom was the Word, and the Word was Brahman and Brahman said this world shall be and the world came into being.”
Similarly, in the Bible’s Gospel of John it states: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” According to John the Evangelist in the first century A.D., the Biblical translations of the ‘Word’ means ‘Primary Harmony.’
Egyptian religious texts state that the Singing Sun created the world with its cry of light. He sang: “This world shall be,” and the world came into being. Thereligious texts of the Aztecs also referred to God as the ‘Creator’ and state that “He sang the world into existence.”
“All things are aggregations of atoms that dance and by their movement produce sound.
When the rhythm of the dance changes, the sound it produces also changes . . .
Each atom perpetually sings its song, and the sound at every moment creates dense subtle forms.”
– Alexandra David-Neel
Music and all audible sound, according to these spiritual texts, represented the audible manifestation of the “Word,” ‘OM,’ or ‘Primal Vibration.’ In fact, the great Sufi master, Hazrat Inayat Khan, went so far as to say: “What makes us feel drawn to music is that our whole being is music; our mind and body, the nature in which we live, the nature which has made us, all that is beneath and around us, it is all music.”
“And the WORD was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth.” – John 1:14
In physics, Einstein’s statement, “Energy and mass (matter) are different forms of the same thing mass/energy,” creates the foundation for understanding the energetic/vibratory nature of all matter. As energy increases, matter begins to take form. In the 19th Century, physicist Ernst Chlandi discovered that when he sprinkled sand onto a flat surface affixed to a pedestal base, and then drew a violin bow perpendicularly across the edge of the surface, round, mandala-like shapes were formed as the grains of sand were moved by the soundwaves generated. This work was followed by Dr. Hans Jenny in a field he named ‘Cymatics’ or the study of waves. Jenny was able to capture on a device called a “Tonescope,” the patterns of a circle when “OM,” the sound associated with God, was chanted into this device. He also discovered that concentric diamond shapes also formed within the circle during the process.
“Architecture is crystallized music.” – Goethe
The philosopher and poet William Kindler proclaimed that “of all of the arts, music is the perfect art, because it strikes the soul without the aid of the intellect.”
From birth, our consciousness is hard-wired to hear and to listen. The first bone to develop in the human fetus is the ear bone, the first sense to develop in the fetus is hearing. Hearing is the last sense to go when we die . The cochlea, part of the inner ear, looks like the shell of a snail. In it, there are some 60,000 hair cells, each of which resonates like a microscopic tuning fork, to a specific frequency or sound. As one of these specific hair cells resonates, a corresponding neurological impulse is sent to the brain, causing the release of neuropeptides, or what are called “communicator molecules.”
Music as a spiritual 'sadhana'
Music is more than entertainment; it is also blissful spiritual sadhana or practice. Guru Nanak and other spiritual gurus and seekers have expressed their devotion to God through singing songs, often to the accompaniment of musical instruments.
Music performed in places of worship and in private or public gatherings anywhere could be very different in content and style. However, an accomplished musician is one who loses himself in the music, becoming one with the music. This kind of self-negation or absence of ego is believed to be the mark of the truly evolved musician for whom there is no difference between the inspiration and the music.
Good music uplifts; it is a kind of spiritual sadhana. Delving deep within, the evolved musician transports listeners to another realm, and the experience is like that of transforming prayer. Music is then an offering, a thanksgiving.
It was not only sufi 'derveshs' who danced to the rhythm of music, but also saints like Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Sur Das and Mira Bai who sang their hearts out to win the beloved's love. At dargahs like Ajmer Sharif, devout qawalls soulfully seek benediction of the Gharib Nawaz. It is often through music that a saint relates his mystical experience. It is difficult to imagine expression of devotion at hallowed places like the Golden Temple without the timeless aid of music, the universal language.
And it knows no boundaries ...
"Music"-a very simple yet powerful eternal phenomenon which is just a relationship between sounds. And even if the language is different, the one thing we all relate and connect with is the language of music! That applies to not just humans but to each and every living entity of the universe. The science of music's effect on animals and even plants reveals something startling: It's not just an art form — it's essentially a force of nature.
Due in no small part to the frustration of being woken up by an early-rising bird, most of us write off all animal noise as merely irritating. Animals, on the other hand, are empathetic when they listen to cross-species music, and react with emotions and behavior eerily similar to our own. At dog kennels, researchers found that classical music reduced anxiety in the dogs, helping them sleep more and bark less. Heavy metal, on the other hand, made the dogs bark more, sleep less and shake violently, all symptoms of a true metalhead.
Like dogs, cows also prefer classical music, and will shockingly produce more milk when they are listening to slow jams (music under 100 beats per minute) and less milk when listening to fast music (music over 120 beats per minute). But regardless of an increase in milk production, cows are downright curious about human music, no matter if it's good or bad.
the really striking proof that music is something more than a mere human phenomenon comes from the plant world.
Researchers have found that plants grow away from the sound of a chomping caterpillar, and will also grow toward the sound of rushing water. But besides caterpillars and water, music can affect growth in young plants just as it can aid development in human children — and can help farmers and urban gardeners grow bigger crops. Researchers in South Korea found that playing classical music directly triggered growth genes in rice crops. They played Beethoven songs through loudspeakers at rice fields and tracked the results, ruling out light and wind factors and seriously proving that the music was spurring flowering in the rice plants.
“People say that the soul, on hearing the song of creation, entered the body, but in reality the soul itself was the song.”– Sufi poet Hafiz |
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